Yorkshire Tots to Teens » Dog Friendly » Super simple 3 ingredient dog biscuit recipe

Super simple 3 ingredient dog biscuit recipe

Lemmy the lurcher loves his biscuits

I do love it when the kids want to bake.  But realistically there are only so many baked treats you need in one home!  So when Lily told me she wanted to bake dog biscuits, I thought it was a grand idea.  We don’t have a dog of our own, but Lily adores her Aunt Kathy’s dog Meg, and as she can’t visit her right now, the next best thing was to drop off some dog biscuits on our daily walk.  We also have a few friends with dogs that Lily wanted to treat as well.

After trying a few different mixes, we settled on a super simple dog biscuit recipe that needs only self rising wholemeal flour (with no added salt) smooth peanut butter (with no added sugar or sugar substitutes) and whole milk.

Dog Biscuit Ingredients

  • 50 ml self rising wholemeal flour
  • 50 ml smooth peanut butter
  • 50 ml milk

Dog Biscuit directions

  • Preheat oven to 180C
  • Mix peanut butter and milk
  • Add flour and mix until a ball forms
  • Roll out ball on a floured surface to 1cm thick
  • Cut out shapes with cookie cutters or a cup
  • Put biscuits on a baking tray lined with parchment paper
  • Cook for around 20 minutes depending on the size of the biscuits
  • Take them out to cool when they are slightly brown on the edges
  • Share with your favourite four legged friend!

Our recipe made just under 100 dog biscuits but we did use a very small cookie cutter.

Lily had so much fun delivering the biscuits to some of her favourite dogs in the neighbourhood!


  • Erin Ek Rush

    I'm an American mum of a Yorkshire lad and lass who love adventures! Owner & founder of Yorkshire Tots to Teens where we bring families all the best events, days out & family fun in Yorkshire!

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One Comment

  1. I enjoyed this recipe! Ran out of regular dog treats and was looking for a simple peanut butter biscuit recipe using self rising flour. I did mine in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about fifteen minutes. They turned out slightly soft, but I was worried about burning them so I preferred to err on the side of caution. I rolled the dough easily in my hands into small spheres and flattened into a small cookie shape. I used 240 ml of each ingredient, and got quite a lot of cookies. Next time I won’t make such a large batch. Dogs seem to like it so far. In the future I might play around with additional ingredients such as pumpkin or molasses. Thank you for this simple recipe 🙂

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